Original Airdate: June 14, 2000
Before we get to the summary, below are the remaining contestants.
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Sean - Doctor |
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Kelly - River guide |
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Rudy - Retired Navy Seal |
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Richard - Corporate trainer |
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Susan - Truck driver |
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Dirk - Dairy farmer |
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Stacey - Attorney |
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Gervase - Youth basketball coach |
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Colleen - College student |
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Ramona - Biochemist |
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Gretchen - Teacher |
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Greg - Recent Ivy League graduate |
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Jenna - College student |
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Joel - Health Club consultant |
At Tagi, Sean doubts the existence of fish in the nearby waters. While Susan, Stacey, and Kelly are looking for fish, Rudy is brought up - none of the three women are particularly impressed with him, though Susan, in a confessional, states that she's far more likely to vote out Stacey than Rudy. Susan's under the impression that the three of them are an alliance, but nothing else indicates that. No fish were caught.
Trying to get the girls to come together and vote Rudy off (where that fourth vote would come from, she never says, and I don't think she knows) failed. Even after she knew she was gone, her last words to Susan were chiding her for changing her vote, letting everyone in Tagi know that Susan isn't to be trusted (which she said in a confessional earlier in the episode, so I don't see why she was surprised).
Stacy tried to vote Rudy off before, back in the first episode (Kelly joined with her, and again, Susan said she would but chose not to), but that failed. She tried here again, and failed. We never got to see a whole lot of Stacey, truth be told, but this episode really casts her in an unfavorable light, especially her final confessional, as far as I'm concerned.
Sean, who, for most of the episode demonstrated how idiotic some doctors can be, really had a solid reason for voting for Stacey. It's a shame that thought process doesn't seem to be used in anything else, and from the looks of it, that will continue as we see in the previews for the next episode that he's working on building a bowling alley.
Because if there's one thing all castaways need at their camp, one vital thing, it's a bowling alley.
Perhaps there's a good reason that we don't know yet, but knowing Sean, that benefit of the doubt isn't well-placed.
But back to Stacey, and by Stacey, I mean her shadow, Kelly, she seems sort of screwed. Kelly voted with Stacey against Rudy twice, and Susan likely knows that to be true. Susan doesn't seem to be in cahoots with anyone but herself; even so, that fact doesn't seem to bode well with her. If Susan let Richard and Rudy know that Kelly's gunning for Rudy, they'd likely pull either Sean or Dirk (though if Dirk has a crush on Kelly, it's unlikely) to their side and vote her out.
That's if they lose immunity next week - if not, then Kelly may very well have new friends and be in the clear.
Richard, for the most part, kept his gameplay talk to a minimum. His plan right now seems to be keeping providing fish, and remain a strong competitor, which will probably work for the time being. I'm not concerned with his place in the tribe, and nor is he, for good reason. Only interesting thing to note is this: last episode, he said that he was confident that Rudy would be the next to go, yet here, there's no indication of that, and instead votes off Stacey. Why the change of heart? I'm not sure, but something seems afoot.
Dirk, to be honest, annoys the hell out of me. Preaching to the tribe about Jesus isn't anywhere near a smart move. It could rub some people the wrong way. It could just annoy people. And it's not working toward any type of goal (unless Dirk's plan is to save as many souls as he can). Richard knows what he's trying to do - he has a route forward. Rudy does too - keep consistent, keep near Richard, and he'll be fine. Even Susan has demonstrated some workings of a vague plan. Dirk hasn't (nor has Sean, for that matter).
In short, Dirk and Sean really may want to consider stopping going on fishing trips together - I don't think it's doing anyone any good.
Dirk's also driving people up the wall with his constant religious talk. Specifically Susan and Richard aren't interested. Ironically, while he's talking about his religion a lot, he criticizes Richard for talking about homosexuality as much as he does. Being religious, Dirk likely doesn't see the hypocrisy.
Let's examine Pagong first, if for no other reason it'll be pretty quick, as we saw very little of them or their group dynamics this episode.
Food isn't to be found at Pagong either, though they do find a mud-hole and relax as a tribe, something they may not have been able to do if B.B. was still there (though I suspect they were still doing such). Gervase, who is not a strong swimmer, worries about the upcoming Reward challenge, in which swimming is likely to be a huge component.
The challenge is simple enough - as a team, they must retrieve a treasure chest underwater, and bring it back to the mat. Things are moderately even at first, but Tagi pulls ahead, and Richard's delighted when the reward turns out to be fishing gear - masks, spears, the whole works. Things are looking up.
Sean's doubtful, however - he's been out fishing with his Superpole 2000 and hasn't caught anything yet, so Richard catching fish strikes him as ludicrous. In the first time out, Richard catches three rays (though Sean doesn't believe they count, as they're not fish). Happy with his success, and the tribe pleased also, they all eat well that night.
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Richard's second catch |
Fish is not on the menu for Pagong. They feast on rats, Greg even coming up with a creative trap to catch them. Joel cooks them up, and despite Ramona and Gervase's reluctance, they try the cooked rat. Greg's concern is slightly different. He explains: "I'm concerned it'll be a bit gamy. We won't have quite the gravy we're looking for, which would really be helpful. When cooking rats, I would imagine the sauce is of the utmost importance." Still, meat is meat, and Romana and Gervase both enjoy the food.
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Pagong's dinner |
The next challenge, Immunity, require each tribe build a stretcher and carry their smallest member to a finish line. Whether it's because Colleen was lighter than Kelly or Tagi was naturally slower, Pagong won easily, attaining Immunity.
Prior to going to Tribal Council, multiple people state their intentions.
Stacey believed it to be a "done deal" that Rudy was going home, but now is not so sure. Rudy believes the younger people will band together and kick him out, and let's us know "I'm going to vote Stacey out at the Council tonight because I don't like her and I never will." Susan told Stacey she was going to vote for Rudy, but is strongly considering casting her vote for Stacey instead. As always, Richard will base his vote purely off who has contributed or who can contribute most to the Tribe, but gives no clear indication of who he'll vote off.
At Tribal Council, during intense downpour, Richard lets Tagi know that he's providing them food. Sean believe he's providing occasional entertainment. Stacey reminds everyone that she ate two bugs in the prior episode to save them from the Council, and that she has worth.
While that may or may not be true, Tagi didn't see it as such, and she was booted.
The vote count, with the names of who casted the vote in brackets:
Stacey: 5 [Sean, Rudy, Richard, Susan, Dirk]
Rudy: 2 [Stacey, Kelly]
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A drenched Jeff telling Stacey she's off the island |
Let's examine Pagong first, if for no other reason it'll be pretty quick, as we saw very little of them or their group dynamics this episode.
Despite losing the Reward challenge, no one in the group seemed any more down than they already had been. Ramona's not been at her best for the whole time they've been there, and scoffing down the rat is perhaps the happiest we've seen her. Greg's ingenuity with the rat trap proved helpful, and may help show his worth to the tribe, and they may think twice before voting him off (though at this point, I'm guessing no one on Pagong is thinking about what they'd do at Tribal Council).
They do seem happier as a tribe, though, without B.B, which I guess is the most important note to make of them. Joel, Jenna, and Gretchen were mostly silent throughout the episode, and very little actually seemed to happen with the tribe as a whole. Gretchen, the leader figure, seems to be running a tight ship there, and even in defeat, they're keeping their spirits up. But they did win immunity, so perhaps next time around, they won't be so joyous.
Tagi is a different question entirely, as we see quite a bit of group workings.
Stacey doesn't like Rudy. In fact, verbatim, here is what she said as the credits were rolling:
"They [Tagi] kicked off their bug-eating hero instead of their food-stealing, stumbling, ornery old Navy Seal. Probably the guys said, 'Well, we need to vote a woman off. We need physical strength and, you know, who do we think is the least productive and that would be me' and yet I was much more productive than the four guys."I think this demonstrates well why she was kicked off, along with her conversation with Susan and Kelly near the beginning of the episode. She was cocky, sure that her successes in the past would make up for her lack of helpfulness in the present. Instead of stating what she can do for the tribe at the moment, she complained about Rudy and his mannerisms. And she was, as well as she could be, manipulative.
Trying to get the girls to come together and vote Rudy off (where that fourth vote would come from, she never says, and I don't think she knows) failed. Even after she knew she was gone, her last words to Susan were chiding her for changing her vote, letting everyone in Tagi know that Susan isn't to be trusted (which she said in a confessional earlier in the episode, so I don't see why she was surprised).
Stacy tried to vote Rudy off before, back in the first episode (Kelly joined with her, and again, Susan said she would but chose not to), but that failed. She tried here again, and failed. We never got to see a whole lot of Stacey, truth be told, but this episode really casts her in an unfavorable light, especially her final confessional, as far as I'm concerned.
Sean, who, for most of the episode demonstrated how idiotic some doctors can be, really had a solid reason for voting for Stacey. It's a shame that thought process doesn't seem to be used in anything else, and from the looks of it, that will continue as we see in the previews for the next episode that he's working on building a bowling alley.
Because if there's one thing all castaways need at their camp, one vital thing, it's a bowling alley.
Perhaps there's a good reason that we don't know yet, but knowing Sean, that benefit of the doubt isn't well-placed.
But back to Stacey, and by Stacey, I mean her shadow, Kelly, she seems sort of screwed. Kelly voted with Stacey against Rudy twice, and Susan likely knows that to be true. Susan doesn't seem to be in cahoots with anyone but herself; even so, that fact doesn't seem to bode well with her. If Susan let Richard and Rudy know that Kelly's gunning for Rudy, they'd likely pull either Sean or Dirk (though if Dirk has a crush on Kelly, it's unlikely) to their side and vote her out.
That's if they lose immunity next week - if not, then Kelly may very well have new friends and be in the clear.
Richard, for the most part, kept his gameplay talk to a minimum. His plan right now seems to be keeping providing fish, and remain a strong competitor, which will probably work for the time being. I'm not concerned with his place in the tribe, and nor is he, for good reason. Only interesting thing to note is this: last episode, he said that he was confident that Rudy would be the next to go, yet here, there's no indication of that, and instead votes off Stacey. Why the change of heart? I'm not sure, but something seems afoot.
Dirk, to be honest, annoys the hell out of me. Preaching to the tribe about Jesus isn't anywhere near a smart move. It could rub some people the wrong way. It could just annoy people. And it's not working toward any type of goal (unless Dirk's plan is to save as many souls as he can). Richard knows what he's trying to do - he has a route forward. Rudy does too - keep consistent, keep near Richard, and he'll be fine. Even Susan has demonstrated some workings of a vague plan. Dirk hasn't (nor has Sean, for that matter).
In short, Dirk and Sean really may want to consider stopping going on fishing trips together - I don't think it's doing anyone any good.
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