Saturday, November 28, 2015

All in the Family SE01 EP02 - "Writing the President"

Episode Name: Writing the President
Original Airdate: January 19, 1971

Michael writes a letter to President Nixon about the ills of current American society, including pollution, race relations, and the ongoing Vietnam War. When Archie gets wind of this, he snatches the letter away, not wanting an anti-Nixon letter sent from the house. A compromise occurs, though - Michael can have his letter sent if Archie sends one also.

And thus, Archie, with the help of Edith, craft a letter, which is honestly about all that takes place in the episode.

Honestly, while the description above is short, it's entirely accurate. Sure, a few arguments are had between Archie and Michael, mainly revolving around pollution and John Wayne (whom Archie is a huge fan of, as you can imagine, I'm sure), but the main focal point of the episode is the crafting of Archie's letter.

Though lacking content, it's still an okay episode. I am hoping that future episodes have less sole focus than did this episode. The pilot did well because while it was purely an episode-long discussion over ideologically differences, they covered many bases. This episode, not much was really said, and aside from Archie's racism early on, even he is able to stay clear of foolish comments. Overall, it's a poorly average episode.

Quote of the episode:

Michael: "I want us to watch Jack Lemmon and a group of famous scientists discuss pollution and ecology on Channel 13."

Archie: "Good. And I want to watch football highlights on Channel 2. Now guess what's going to happen."

Rating: Average

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