Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction SE01 EP03 - "The Prophecy/Couch Potato/Love over the Counter/Imaginary Friend/Last Man on Earth"

I've not done too well in the last few episodes in guessing the false stories from the true. Please read on to see if I can do any better - I sure hope I can.

Episode Name: The Prophecy/Couch Potato/Love over the Counter/Imaginary Friend/Last Man on Earth
Original Airdate: June 8, 1997

1) The Prophecy

Three young girls mess with an Ouija board, and discover the presence of a spirit named Victor, supposedly in the attic. One of the girls, Brooke, throws the board into a fireplace, and the strange noises cease. The following morning, however, two girls discover the board back on the table, and Brooke missing, allegedly "never seen again."

The segment was nothing new whatsoever, but it was done adequately enough. Portions came across as spooky, so while nothing overly original, it was an okay viewing. I rated this above average purely because I felt that overall, the material used was used well enough. I rated this as "True," as I felt it'd make sense should Brooke use the situation to run away for one reason or another.

Rating for story: Above Average

2) Couch Potato

Brad is, as the title suggests, nothing more than a couch potato, who, on his off hours, spends far more time in front of the television than he does with his wife (and arguably loves the television more also). One night, as his wife is leaving him, Brad has a heart attack, and upon the paramedics failing to revive him, is declared dead. While being hoisted up, however, his arm crashes into the television, and the current is enough to allow his heart to beat again.

Couch Potato was a story which felt as though it didn't really belong. I suppose it's potentially a shocking conclusion (I can do it too, Mr. Brolin), but the segment was overall just not up to the standard I've come to expect of this show. I do give points to the main actor, though, who really pulls off the Danny DeVito attitude. I rated this "True."

Rating for story: Below Average

3) Love over the Counter

Patricia's husband John, has passed away, but worse, according to his friend Kris, he lost all of their money in the stock market. With a loan from Kris, however, Patricia puts money back into the market, partly based on what she perceives as signs from her deceased husband. She makes back a large portion of money, and one night, discovers that John made almost $100,000 in the market, but the accounts were closed and the money withdrawn. The culprit? None other than Kris, who later was arrested for embezzlement.

This segment wasn't bad at all, but most of the time, I felt as though I was watching Demi Moore in Ghost, albeit at a far smaller budget. On a whole, it was just an average story, with little standing out. I labeled this "False."

Rating for story: Average

4) Imaginary Friend

Alice has an imaginary friend named Sidney, and because of that imaginary friend, seems to know things she otherwise couldn't. For example, she knew that her mother's friend was getting a divorce, another friend's daughter was deathly ill, and that her aunt died prior to her mother getting notified. This unsettles Alice's mother.

Which is about the extent to it. While this had promise, Imaginary Friend had an utter absence of a conclusion. We simply see Alice knowing things she shouldn't, and her mother worried over it. And that's it. Personally, I feel if there had been a bit more meat, it'd be better story. As it is, I rated it average, with a label of "True," if for no other reason, odder things have occurred in the annals of history.

Rating for story: Average

5) Last Man on Earth

Steven and Brenda, once a married couple, broke up and unbeknownst to each other, both moved to Los Angeles. They try to get back into dating, but it just doesn't work out for either one. After they both hear a radio dedication for a Brenda and Steven, prompting them to meet down at the pier, they do so, and rekindle their relationship. As they leave, another former couple, also named Brenda and Steven, reunite also.

What makes this story supposedly supernatural, we learn from Brolin after the segment. Apparently, no radio station had broadcast a dedication to such a couple. The story is cute, and somewhat heartwarming, but not at all unrealistic. Coincidental, yes, but completely in the realm of reality. That said, I did like it, but insofar as this series goes, the story was pretty average. I rated this "True."

Rating for story: Average

This episode contained almost extraordinarily average segments. Among the five stories, not a one really stands out. With any anthology series, this is always a possibility, but for a series which I respect as highly as this one, it is rather disappointing.

Also disappointing, out of the five segments truthfulness, I got just two correct. I'm not getting much better at this, but on the upside, time still remains.

For episode: 2/5
Overall (for series): 4/15

Rating: Average

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